Ukraine faces drastic changes under а newly created administrative-territorial model, which was launched as a result of the decentralization reform. Due to this reform, one and a half thousand territorial communities were created to implement the European tradition of local governance. The reform has become a joint achievement of the Ukrainian government, the Council of Europe and Ukraine's international partners.

Feodosiivska hromada is one of such local communities. Being the union of 8 villages – Khodosivka, Khotiv, Lisnyky, Roslavychi, Ivankovychi, Hvozdiv, Kremenyshche, Kruhlyk – the community covers the territory of 396 square kilometers and borders the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. This local community serves as a home for 15 thousand wonderful people.

Proximity to the capital has a srong impact on the lives of its residents – both positive and negative.

On the one hand, there are numerous offices, grocery stores, trade centers here. Ukrainian journalists too often come to visit our community to broadcast local news all over Ukraine. Proximity to the capital also makes our people act more proactively, willing to participate in the development of this territory.

On the other hand, the community is a territory of a contrast. Luxury households stand side by side with the dilapidated homes of poor Ukrainians. The rich historical and cultural heritage is combined with chaotic private buildings - the legacy of the past years. The picturesque terrain and the richness of nature coexist with the tragic ecological situation caused by 35 years of poisoning groundwater and air by the largest landfill in Ukraine, which is located in the close neighborhood.

We can talk about our community for hours. However, the most characteristic features of Feodosiivska community are the extraordinary complexity of land, architectural, administrative, labor, and environmental relations due to the legacy of the soviet past and proximity to the capital. This complexity exacerbates social inequality and tension among people.

Overcoming the existing disparities can make the difference. Bringing life to balance – this is what makes up major concerns for local authorities and the public. We are convinced that cooperation with foreign partners will not only contribute to the development of local self-governance in our community, but will also allow to depict new growth points that can be followed all over Ukraine.

We are looking forward to new partnerships. Please feel free to contact us by the email: Feodos_gromada@ukr.net

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